Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fresh Tattoo Art - Locating Galleries With Good, New Tattoos

Has all of the fresh tattoo art been taken and dragged off of the internet? It sure seems that way, because it's becoming increasingly difficult to find any galleries with good, new tattoos. While it might seem like a never ending ocean full of generic tattoos, the good artwork is still out there. I will give you a fantastic way to get a hold of the fresh tattoo art you are after.

When you start looking for things on the internet, what do you use? 95% of men and women will say "search engines". Yes, it's true that they are the one tool that everybody uses to find hat they want. It's just that these are the very tools which are leading all of us to so many low end galleries that don't have fresh tattoo art. All you get now is this gigantic, random list of low end websites and they are all stuffed full of generic, cookie cutter designs. To top it off, a majority of their inventory is over eleven years old!

That's as far away from fresh tattoo art as you can get. The sad part is that many people think this is all there is to choose from and end up settling on one of those generic designs. Instead of searching on to find the fresh tattoo art, they simply settle on something they don't even 100% like. I don't know about you, but I don't think any sane person should "settle" on tattoos. Your skin is too precious and it is a design that will be inked somewhere on your body for a very long time.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's concentrate on a subject that is a bit more upbeat. You want to find fresh tattoo art, so what can you use to get to the galleries that have it? Well, the easiest and best way to accomplish this would be to dive into the larger internet forums. I know, it doesn't sound like much of a plan, but it is. You see ,the large forums of the web are absolutely perfect for getting a good peek at where folks all over the world are uncovering fresh tattoo art.

You can find so many quality tattoos and galleries this way, because you will find that people pots link after link to the wonder places they have somehow found. Fresh tattoo art is out there for the taking and forums have your path right to many of them. It's a small detour and it's a detour that can lead you to the right place.

When you are looking for fresh tattoo art, please don't make a rushed decision and settle on something that you are not 100% sure about.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cool Tattoos For Girls - Hunting For Good Designs

I have no doubt that you are excited to find some of the cool tattoos for girls that the web has to offer. Many women will quickly change their demeanor and become frustrated with the huge amount of generic artwork that is out there. I will tell you how to avoid this, as well as how to find tons of the cool tattoos for girls that you may have been bypassing.

Let's start things off by talking about why so many women (and men) and running into so many galleries with nothing but generic, cookie cutter designs. It all boils down to search engines, which we all use (95% of us) to find tattoo artwork online and you are probably using to find cool tattoos for girls. This would be fine if they actually showed you where the high quality artwork is, but they don't. It's usually a long list of low end galleries that make you sift through thousands of generic designs just to find one diamond in the rough. Most of the time, you will be lucky to find that "one", let alone a dozen cool tattoos for girls.

Since this happens so often, many women will give up on looking for cool tattoos for girls and will end up choosing something they don't even completely like. It's a shame that so many people will make an impulse decision like that and get something inked that they don't 100% like. This tattoo will be on your body for a very long time, so why wouldn't you want to take your time to find exactly what you want, no matter how long it takes?

With that said, there is a way to find a lot of the hidden artwork out there, which tends to be far better than a lot of the artwork you find through search engines. The way to do this is by using internet forums. They are fantastic community, which can easily be used to find out where so many other tattoo enthusiasts are locating great artwork. The bigger forums are always sizzling with past topics on this subject and you can pull up years and years worth of them to pin point cool tattoos for girls. It;s the best way to find the world on artwork out there that search engines just don't show you.

No matter where you ultimately end up looking for cool tattoos for girls, if you take you time ot find the perfect one, you will thank yourself in the long run.

Let;s start things off by talking about why so many women (and men) and running into so many galleries with nothing but generic, cookie cutter designs. It all boils down to search engines, which we all use (95% of us) to find tattoo artwork online and you are probably using to find cool tattoos for girls. This would be fine if they actually showed you where the high quality artwork is, but they don't. It's usually a long list of low end galleries that make you sift through thousands of generic designs just to find one diamond in the rough. Most of the time, you will be lucky to find that "one", let alone a dozen cool tattoos for girls.

Since this happens so often, many women will give up on looking for cool tattoos for girls and will end up choosing something they don't even completely like. It's a shame that so many people will make an impulse decision like that and get something inked that they don't 100% like. This tattoo will be on your body for a very long time, so why wouldn't you want to take your time to find exactly what you want, no matter how long it takes?

With that said, there is a way to find a lot of the hidden artwork out there, which tends to be far better than a lot of the artwork you find through search engines. The way to do this is by using internet forums. They are fantastic community, which can easily be used to find out where so many other tattoo enthusiasts are locating great artwork. The bigger forums are always sizzling with past topics on this subject and you can pull up years and years worth of them to pin point cool tattoos for girls. It;s the best way to find the world on artwork out there that search engines just don't show you.

No matter where you ultimately end up looking for cool tattoos for girls, if you take you time ot find the perfect one, you will thank yourself in the long run.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tattoo Design Ideas - What's the Big Deal About a Tattoo Design Anyway?

If you are looking for ideas for your first or a new tattoo, you need to know what design you want as much as you know that you want a tattoo. Besides, getting great tattoo artist the design of the tattoo is very important as well. Keep in mind you need to live with that design for the rest of your life. Believe me, the last thing you want to do is choose a design from the flash book just before getting work done. Here's why.

When I got my first tattoo in the early 90s, I was 21 years old. I wasn't thinking too clearly and looked at the most five minutes into the future. So when it came time to get my tattoo, I didn't know what to get. I scrambling through the books to see what the tattoo design I liked. However, I didn't like anything. Also, I was putting pressure on myself, because I felt like everyone was waiting for me, my friends, the other customers and most importantly the tattoo artist.

However, when it came down to it I made the luckiest decision in my life. Fortunately, I was wearing my baseball cap, and I decided to get the logo of my favorite baseball team tattooed onto my shoulder. Even though this wasn't the best situation for me to be in, I still have a tattoo today and still enjoy showing it off very much. However, I realized how important is to prepare the next time I get a tattoo. That's exactly what I did. Here are some tips to help you find the right tattoo design to avoid being the same situation I was.

Don't be impulsive when it comes to getting a tattoo. You may wind up regretting it. Take your time looking for a tattoo artist and looking for a tattoo design. After you find an artist you should be looking through thousands of designs, because there are many to choose from such as tribal tattoos, sports team logos, or even animals such as butterflies and dolphins.

A tattoo design is a very personal choice and you should get a design that is very meaningful for you. After all, the tattoo will be there for the rest of your life. So you need to make a decision that will make you the happiest. Furthermore when you narrow it down to a few designs, you may want to test them out by asking of your friends opinions. They should be able to provide good feedback.

Finally, I like to add that researching a design for your tattoo should be fun and should not be looked at as a daunting task or something that you "have to do." If you do feel that way, you may not have thought it through. You may want to rethink if you wanted tattoo or not. Otherwise, have a great time researching tattoo design ideas and getting the tattoo you always wanted.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Flower Tattoo Designs - Timeless Symbols of Expression

Flower tattoo designs allow you to express in symbolism what you want to say or cannot say out loud. The Japanese call it "Hanakotoba" - the "Language of Flowers."

Roses for instance have long symbolized love and passion. Each color with it's own unique language. A dozen red roses speaks volumes to the one you love. Even the different varieties of lilies have their own meaning. The Tiger Lily speaks "I dare you to love me." Their timeless language and eternal beauty have made flowers one of the more popular tattoo designs.

Their popularity is due to a variety of reasons:

  • They can be used as a stand-alone tattoo.
  • They can be woven together and incorporated into other designs like butterflies or angels.
  • They come in a large variety of designs, shapes, & sizes, allowing you to be discreet or make a bold statement.
  • They distinctly enhance the beauty of a woman's body.
  • They can be designed in a Celtic or Tribal form giving them a more masculine appeal.

Given the reasons above and the exotic meanings of flowers there's no reason why you couldn't find a tattoo design that clearly illustrates the message you want to convey. No need to worry about a cookie-cutter design either. The common rose has thousands of shapes, sizes, and styles to choose from giving you an endless choice in expressing your individuality. The possibilities become even more endless when you combine a flower design with other popular tattoos like a fairy, butterfly, or angel.

Flower tattoo designs capture what you cannot say with words and are infused with symbolism and meaning. Popular styles include roses, hibiscus (especially Hawaiian), orchids, lotus, lilies, ivy, and more. Take time to consider the meaning behind the tattoo design you choose. Don't just go for the most popular or what your friends are getting. Think about the meaning the flower represents and choose a design that embodies your distinctive character traits and the unspoken message you have to say.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beautiful Feminine Belly Tattoos

Beautiful feminine belly tattoos really do look amazing, when a woman approaches you with one of these it really does draw your eye to her naval. This style of design dates back a few hundred years and was mainly seen (or not seen) on Indian women. Many women now have the naval pierced as well as a belly tattoo which does look very stunning if the design is right for the person. You should also check with a tattooist or body piercer to establish the time frame between getting a tattoo done and then a piercing or vice versa.

Getting your belly tattooed does not necessarily mean the naval; there are feminine tattoo designs which seem to go from the side of the breast and come on to the side of the belly. Tattoos such as this are very intricate because they are usually made to look like stems from a rose bush or exotic plant.

Finding a design for beautiful feminine belly tattoos can be difficult as they are not in the top list of favorites for women. If you have read any of my other articles you will know that I have a few tattoos and am actually planning on having a couple more before I call it a day, well! A belly tattoo is very high on my list for my next one but I am thinking of having it done in really bright blues, reds and greens so that it stand out when I'm at the beach.

The naval tattoo can be a little awkward to look after, I don't mean hygienically, I mean that to look after a tattoo like this, you would have to keep yourself in pretty good shape otherwise it's going to get bigger and sag.

If you have the body for belly tattoos then go for it, but only after you have weighed up the pro's and con's of having it there. If you are a young woman you have to also take into consideration, what happens to your belly when you're pregnant? That small tattoo that you have around your naval may suddenly start to look like an ever nearing planet as you grow.

Belly tattoos should be given the same consideration as lower back tattoos, with a loose fitting or cropped top, people would be intrigued by them.

This is the important part: if you are considering getting a tattoo around your naval, you need to consider the aftercare, when it's hot weather or your body is hot you may get a build up of sweat in your naval (I know it's gross but it happens) and keeping this clean and germ free could be a problem. Ask the tattooist for any special instructions for naval tattoos before you have one.

If you've made up your mind and you are ready to look at some of the most beautiful feminine designs which you will be proud to call your own, then keep reading.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Frog Tattoos Are Fun, Cute and Quirky

Some people think that the frog is a disgusting animal. But it is different when it's a form of tattooing, disgusting frog is now turned into a funny and many people like.

Frog tattoos are highly symbolic but also really cute and funny. They are normally displayed as armbands, on the lower back, ankles, shoulders, upper back, chest etc. Frog tattoos are discovered all over the world. Tree frog tattoos are ideal for a young person's first type of body art.

Frogs have an extremely sensitive skin on it's body which is thought to be magical. Frog woman was considered as the guardian of fresh water, and it was thought to protect humans from flood or thirst by making and manipulating a dam to control the waters for the maximum benefit. Frogs are often a symbol of harmony, regeneration and life. Frogs have always been associated with magic as in the Princess kissing a frog and turning him into a Prince.

The Frog symbol is a popular tattoo design that cuts across many cultures. The frog is usually seen as a teacher, as a guide to understanding supernatural powers and also as a mentor. You will find that in many cultures, the frog is associated with the ability to jump from one state of consciousness to another. Frog tattoos are one of the most magical and oldest form which stands for metamorphosis, regeneration and which gives new instructions in one's life.

Many of the native Americans consider the frog to be the 'Great Rain Maker'. With the last snowfall of spring the snowflakes touching the ground would turn into frogs announcing that the salmon would soon arrive. The frog tattoo is associated with water and the moon which is a symbol of fertility, prosperity and wealth for the coastal tribes in North America. The characteristics naturally possessed by the frogs have made humankind revere these delightful little creatures. Many Native American tribes believe that the frog brings rain and a good number of modern Christians wear a frog symbol due to the acronym Forever Rely On God.

In fact, frogs have a great amount of symbolism behind them. In ancient Egypt for instance, the frog was thought to be a protector and a guide to the afterlife. The Iban assume that having a frog tattoo on the throat will protect the warrior from having his head cut off in battle. And they also believe that their ancestors live in the body of the frogs to be close to their loved ones.

For these and many other reasons, frog tattoos are gaining rapidly in popularity. Frogs that are depicted as tribal tattoos or as Celtic tattoos are very popular. Frog tattoos may not be as widely sought out as some other tattoo designs, but this may very well be a good thing as you are certain to make a unique statement with this piece. Frog tattoos are as varied and different as the many species of frogs that they visually represent.

Frog tattoos also can represent the brilliance and color of the natural world. They may be made with a plain outline, or you can let your imagination run wild with bright, bold colors and more intricate designs. Frogs can be combined with flowers, vines, water lilies and more. Poisonous frogs may add something of an edge to these tattoos, and may be used as a symbol of the personality of its wearer - beautiful yet untouchable!

Some people may prefer a more cartoon like depiction for their frog tattoos. These pieces often show the frog in a crouching position with a cute, dopey, or sometimes even a sarcastic look on it's face. Many cartoon frog tattoos show the creature with its tongue poised for flicking at flies, or sitting peacefully in a pond on a water lily. Tribal and Aztec frog tattoos are also an interesting twist on this design.

Wedding Ring Tattoo

Have you thought about the wedding ring tattoo ..???

I wonder what sort of shape ...???
Would you like to try it ...??!!

Wedding is a memorable thing in one's life. People do many things to make it exciting. The ring is an important part of a each wedding ceremony. It represents eternal love. Egyptians and Romans are more particular about it. But the need of the time is different. Nowadays ring tattoos are in trend. Enthusiastic people go for it.

Tattoos are permanent. Hence ring tattoo stands for stability. Different people take it in different way. A band is a symbol of love and promise, because it will give you a feeling of responsibility and commitment. You carry that symbol on your body for a lifetime. It is mark of truth and belief on the relationship. Both husband and wife will never forget this. You can make a mark of your love in this way. In these days it is very trendy to have a tattoo instead of a conventional wedding ring.

Other reason for the tattoo is no affordability of real band. It is a good option, some group of people show their revolt against the traditional wedding ring. Tattoos instead of traditional rings are good option for people who have allergy of metals.

The tattoo is made on left ring finger. You can get varieties from a black band of ink to Celtic bands. You can get name of your beloved tattooed on your ring finger. You can relate the tattoo with the date you met or something secret only couples knows about. How romantic it is!

Though the idea of tattoo for wedding ring is irresistible, you need to be careful while choosing a ring tattoo. Changes are impossible after making it as it is permanent. So make the selection with seriousness. As the fingers are in constant use, it can take some time to heal. It is very necessary to take good care after you have tattooed your finger.

Celebrities are more aggressive in making tattoos as wedding bands. Pamela Anderson and Tom Lee have most famous one. After divorce Pamela modified the tattoo as Tommy to Mommy. Celebrity couples like Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham, Nick Carter and Paris Hilton made tattoos instead of rings as symbol of love.

They are symbol of permanence. Memories related will be with it for years. If the relationship doesn't work then it will be problematic to you. Think twice before making it. Some people choose way of modifying it to get rid of the earlier tattoo.

Nowadays there are some modern techniques to remove it. But they can be painful. There are some laser removals which range from $ 1,500 to $ 3.000. You can use them for two years. Well known tattoo maker Lisa Fasula says that few years ago there was a boost in tattoos as wedding rings, but there is tremendous increase in the erasing techniques.

The couple entering wedlock can now think of having a creative one and really get a feel of how wonderful it is to have the name of your spouse on you and what it really means to you.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Art of Gothic Tattoos

Gothic not only in terms of fashion alone. Apparently, there are also gothic in the tattoo. For the flow of gothic, you can try this tattoo.

In recent times, it is seen that many youngsters are overwhelmed with gothic culture. It is an alternative subculture. It is both a kind of music and a fashion. Different people like different kinds of music. One may like a certain genre of music but that doesn't mean he/she would dress up accordingly. In the same way, people who like to dress up like Goths do not necessarily like gothic music. However, in most cases it is seen that people who are specifically termed as metal heads are inclined towards the Gothic culture and especially the 'Goth' look.

This so-called Gothic look is basically all about the color black with the occasional outburst of red, white, and purple. The Goth look includes black hair & clothes, silver jewelry, unique style of makeup, with really pale faces and black eyeliners and nail polishes and the Gothic Tattoos.
Here in this article, we will be focusing on an important part of the Gothic look, which is 'Gothic Tattoos'.

Gothic tattoos have developed to be a vital part of the gothic look. It represents the special sort of subculture that influenced mostly youngsters in both the United States and Europe simultaneously during the late 1970s. Unlike what many people think these tattoos do not concern ill will or evil but are a representation of mythological characters and religion that people practiced during medieval times. These tattoos have distinctive features that differentiate them from other kinds of tattoos.

Now you may be wondering what kind of tattoos are characterized as Gothic tattoos or Gothic Fantasy Art. This is exactly where it gets complicated. The people who are into the gothic culture have a very thrilling, diverse, and imaginative interests and tastes that are well reflected in their tattoos. Gothic cross tattoos are very popular and are usually covered in a lot of decoration, this is their way of celebrating the beauty of death.

A Gothic tattoo can be classified into two categories. They are:

Gothic fantasy art tattoos: images like the dragon, fairies, and the like are a major part of 'Fantasy Tattoos'. These Gothic tattoos represent the interest and the beliefs of the people in medieval times. The images are inclined to be mythological and imaginary in nature.

Occult tattoos: this second category of Gothic tattoos deals with what may be called 'Occult'. These images are associated with white witchcraft also known as Wicca, the Viking Runes, The Tarot, and other magic craft and prophesy.

Images like 'Pentacle' (the five-pointed star), the 'Athame' (a double-edged blade used for white witchcraft), and images related to the four elements (fire, water, earth and air) fall under the Wicca tattoos.

Many think these occult Gothic tattoos to be evil, but let me tell you this is a very wrong notion. These images are not evil and have nothing to do with 'Satanism'. They are signs of prehistoric religions that Gothic tattoo enthusiasts dig out and celebrate by getting them etched on their bodies.

Gothic tattoos are very diverse and different from the regular tattoos, as they tend to reflect the various tastes and interests of people who consider themselves a part of the gothic lifestyle and culture. Different people have different opinions about gothic tattoos. Some Goth tattoos are more accepted than others by people. But in any case, not only do these images help portray some beautiful and intricate designs, they also usually convey messages to a deep meaning to them.


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